According to Premier, (2015) Healthcare organizations and staff members are the key role in emergency preparedness and response of disasters which include man-made, terror attack, and nature. Therefore, every healthcare organization and their staff should facilitate planning, mitigation, prepare response and recovery. Organizations can better prepare themselves by enlisting resources from federal government agencies, health agencies, professional organizations, education and training. Premier, (2015) provided links to key planning resources that will guide care givers and other health organization management tools to communicate and prepare for disastrous events. The key models are CDC’s Healthcare Preparedness Activity tools and resources for public health emergency, and the United States Department of Health and Human Services which gives resources on Federal, State, local, territorial and tribal stake holder’s incidents before, during and after disaster. The Health and Human Service website according to Premier, (2015) Public Health Emergency provide links, example Situation Awareness, Public Health Surveillance and Medical Care Personnel and other capabilities, product and support to help health care entities understand emergency management.
According to PourHosseini, Ardalan, Mehrdhassani, (2015) the abnormal events that may cause disaster are earthquakes, fires, floods and unnatural events. Disasters impact and disrupt communities, society, economic, environment loss and resources. Disasters disturbs people healthcare therefore, proper health care is needed. Because of the terrible impact of disaster health management delivering health services can delegate improvement. Administration and healthcare management can begin the challenges of operational decision making, planning to enable better communication and information for healthcare organizations. There are two questions that healthcare organizations can answer which are response stage to disaster and the impact of health management and healthcare services in disaster examples of desired functions. The questions were answered using a method and material approach which is a qualitative and analysis approach. The study provided interviews with 30 Iran organization management experts who included natural disaster within the last 10 years. The interview consist of face to face questions of own experience operation evidence. The results included themes and optional performance. Examples are human resource, management, regional needs, assigned task, welfare of patients and equipment. The physical resource management includes victim’s management transfer, information and communication management, budget management and environmental health to name a few (Pourhosseini, Ardalan, Mehrdhassani, 2015). Pourhosseini, Ardalan, Mehrdhassani, (2015) describe the following organizations included, Health and Medicare Education Ministry, Red Cross, University of Medical Science, Fire Department, Police, Municipal, electric and oil company, and government hospitals. Natural disasters implementation in set for disasters and health services and what response stage furthermore, disaster management should reflect proper coordination of communication, information and commend lines. Operation planning of healthcare services and sectors would benefit from communication and influence with relationship to other health sectors.
When the world look at natural disaster news on television (Puranik, 2018) or read about it individuals do not understand the complexity of vulnerability of data security. According to Puranik, (2018) 58 percent of organizations are not well implemented toward disaster management and 60 percent will lose a fortune if not well prepared. Organizations are now investing in cloud back up and organization test for weakness. The most important approach to a disaster recovery plan is a potential business impact analysis, determine possible outcome of operation, and staff response so business can function under stress. Organizations are now investing their staff understands software, access of mobile device, laptops, evacuation plans, chains of contact, and lines of communication and continued data backup.
To prevent data loss during a disaster it would be wise to implement data safe guards. According to Brodnik, Rinehart-Thompson, Reynolds, (2017). The American Health Information Management Association functional plan consist of data backup, system and component recreation, location, description, paper record, configuration, network, hardware and software, policy procedures, contracts, and estimated functions of providers and organizations. In question of data recovery and estimated time which is a demand, data recovery